“H.O.P.E. What you eat matters.”

“H.O.P.E. What you eat matters.


We are honoured to introduce a project by Nina Messinger, Australian filmmaker and author, revealing the effects of our typical Western diet on our health, the environment and animals. This documentary featuring Jane Goodall, T. Colin Campbell, Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Vandana Shiva, Melanie Joy and many other experts has a clear message: By changing our eating habits, we can change the world!



We believe that we can be healthy and happy without animal-based ingredients. That is why we have decided to support the project. We have prepared Czech subtitles for the film, including Czech dubbing, so that you can view the whole film and share it with other people, if you want. These are the main values of the project and the film.

The vision is to inform people about the endless benefits of plant-based diet and to inspire them to adopt a conscious, sustainable and kind lifestyle.


Living healthy

The authors of the project opted for a healthier lifestyle. Eating a plant-based diet without animal products has the potential to prevent and reverse civilisation diseases and obesity, which improves our health and longevity.

Conservation of Nature and the Environment

They support the preservation of nature and the environment. An organic, plant-based diet conserves natural resources, saves biodiversity and helps to reduce our ecological footprint.

Protect animals

They protect the lives of countless animals and promote a more peaceful world in which people understand that all living beings are entitled to compassion, dignity and life.



Half of the population in Western society suffers from being overweight. Cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes and cancer are epidemic. Our meat consumption has quintupled over the past 50 years. 65 billion land animals are being slaughtered every year for food consumption. One third of the global grain production is fed to animals for fattening while 1.8 billion people worldwide suffer from hunger and starvation. Can there really be a solution to all these problems?

It was the search for an answer to this question that led Austrian author and filmmaker Nina Messinger on a journey through Europe, India and the US to investigate the consequences of our diet. Meeting with leading experts in nutrition, medicine, science, and agriculture, as well as with farmers and people who have recovered from severe illnesses, simply by changing their eating habits. The film’s deeply distressing images and moving stories make a clear case for a plant-based diet that is not just a short-lived lifestyle trend but provides a solution for preserving our entire world.

H.O.P.E. is a life-changing documentary uncovering and revealing the effects of our typical Western diet high in animal-based foods. It contrasts the limited interests of the pharmaceutical and agricultural industry with the all-encompassing interests of living beings on this planet and with the power of responsible consumer action. H.O.P.E. is an urgent call to action to all of us to commit to a change towards sustainability and safeguarding our living environment.

Watch and realise that what you eat can change the world. That is the vision of Nina Messinger, of the whole project, and of us!

Sincerely yours, SINEA

The movie with Czech subtitles