Do you know what jackfruit is?

Some of us are yet not familiar with this exotic fruit. But you may have heard about it because it has a different name that may sound more familiar: breadfruit! And we bring you this fantastic product in the organic quality! Let us introduce Jacky F. Jackfruit.

Immature fruits of this tropical tree have a delicate flavour and their texture resembles juicy chicken meat. Breadfruit has been used in Asian cuisine for centuries as it is a very tasty alternative to meat. Being low in fat and calories, it is also a rich source of fibre.

Jacky F. Jackfruit is cultivated on certified organic farms in Sri Lanka. It is an immature breadfruit processed immediately after harvesting by being immersed in slightly salted brine. The brand cares deeply about maintaining a sustainable supply chain, working in close cooperation with farmers and providing them with support. Interview with J. Huthmann, founder of the brand, can be found here.

Despite being a fruit, jackfruit is great for preparing salty meals and for cooking. For example, it can be used to prepare a burger, goulash; it’s perfect for salads and soups. It is very easy to prepare, its taste and texture are delicate and juicy.

Try Jacky F. Jackfruit in one of our recipes, or create a recipe of your own. Enjoy jackfruit prepared exactly to your taste and preferences!

sinea wish you a nice day.